Stephanie is rumbled

Well that didn't last long. Stephanie and Mario were rumbled shorty after their "wedding" in the big brother household. At least Lisa can rest easy now and not worry that her darling will be seduced by fame hungry Stephanie. Of course, this means that Mario, Stephanie and Lisa will be the first up for eviction.

It was an odd little task really. Clearly a ploy by channel 4 to boost ratings by brining in some controversy straight away, but really a little harsh if you ask me. I don't particularly like watching people squirm like Lisa did when she found out about the task, but I suppose if you sign up for Big Brother, you do know what you are getting yourself into. Not that Stephanie would give a shit. She is fame hungry enough not to care if others get hurt on the way. All in all, I would say it was a bit of a cheap stunt by big brother. But it did get people talking about it.

Anyway, here are a few pictures of Stephanie and Mario getting married
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